Welcome to my website, a site dedicated to showing my work as a portrait photographer in Greenville, SC. I’m so excited to be launching my site. I feel like my dreams are starting to come true, and my hopes are that I can grow this business and make it my baby, this can be my third child! Please take a look around!! If you’d like to keep reading, I wanted to talk a little bit about my story, my dreams, and my photography.
I first picked up a camera in 2013, the year my little girl was born. I didn’t really know why I wanted one, but I think the idea was that I would be able to capture my daughter as she grew, and do so in a better way than my phone could do. I had no major aspirations of being anything more than a mom with some good pictures of her kid.
I spent 9 years after college working as an Executive Recruiter but I found that splitting my time between work and my daughter was too hard. Luckily, my husband agreed that I could take some time to spend with Ellie and then figure out what I would do. Somehow, I convinced him to have another baby which put plans of being some big time recruiter on hold. I was staying home for another year. I feel very blessed to have been able to be home with my babies for as long as I have, so don’t get me wrong when I tell you that being a stay at home mom was more difficult than I thought. I found myself bored. I found myself stressed. And I found myself lost. Photography was an outlet for me, a way for me to express myself creatively, and something new that I could learn. I began reading books, watching videos, and taking daily pictures. I took a class locally in Greenville and fell in love. Fast forward to 2017 and here I am, with a website and a fancier camera. Whew!
There are a few things that you will see present in all of my pictures, light, perspective, and contrast. I feel like my photography is a big metaphor for my life. I feel happiest when I can see the light through the darkness. Sometimes, being a stay at home mom is hard, but those days that I’m able to find the light, to find the joy, are the days where I can feel the gratitude and it’s all worth it. I know that this is such a short period and that it goes so fast. If I can keep my perspective low, in the moment, on their level, I can appreciate it all even when it feels so hard. Lastly, I want to appreciate the contrast I see in daily life. I want to appreciate the highs and I want to appreciate the lows. What fun is life when it’s all the same?
Here are a few examples of my personal work. You can also visit my portfolio to see more. My areas of focus are family portraiture, feminine portraiture (glamour photography), commercial photography (hello bloggers, needs some photography help), and small events. You can view a lot more of my work on my Instagram page and my Facebook page. Lastly, you can learn about pricing here.
(My site is a work in progress so check back as I continue to update it.)
I look forward to hearing from you!