Hey y’all! I know that I’ve been a little inconsistent with the blog lately and it’s because I am in the process of evolvoing and changing my focus, yet again. If you’ve been around a while, you know that I’m constantly on a mission to find my most authentic and true voice. Part of my issue is that I’ve been reluctant to make massive change for fear of seeming a bit flaky and unfocused. It’s truly challening to narrow down what I really love without doing a whole lot of writing first. After the Click Away conference, I felt called to make some drastic changes and to get rid of a lot of excess. I left there with a yearning to grow creatively and to put all of my energy into photography. I think style and beauty are always going to be a passion, but I believe they are all an extension of my desire to create and to be creative. One lesson I’ve learned through this first quarter of radical self care is that I have a lot of life experience that I want to share with the world. I have a lot of insight that I want to express creatively, through my photography, and in order to do that, I have to focus. So I’m following my heart, with a lot of fear, and focusing on connecting my inner creative voice with my photography work. And I’m going to share that with y’all. If you’re here for the fashion and beauty, I have two suggestions. One, follow my on Instagram because I will still be talking about that stuff over there, specifically in my IG stories. Two, keep reading because I am going to recommend some bloggers that I really love and that focus in that same area. Thanks so much for reading and for following me along as I find myself. Now, here are 11 of the best blogs to follow right now.
Fashion and Beauty Blogs To Follow
- The Southern Style Guide – I feel like Cristin is my best friend, even if she doesn’t know me. Her IG stories are hilarious and she’s dedicated to showing how to be stylish on a budget. She gives great beauty tips as well, and talks a lot about skincare. P.S. She is local as well.
- The Fox & She – Blair is another gal who is so down to earth and she is dedicated to women in their mid thirties, which is nice since most bloggers are not. Her fashion sense is gorgeous and practical, and she talks a lot about natural skincare. She also just had a baby, so it’s fun watching her as a new mom.
- La Beaute – Elle is similar to me in terms of her delicate to style, beauty, and empowering women. Her blog has a lot more substance than just which blush to buy, so of course, I’m going to add her to the list. Plus her name is Elle which is close to Ellie. Some of her blog post titles include 3 Simple Ways to Find Serenity in Your Life and How to Save Money on Beauty & Makeup Products.
- Handstand Happiness – Shana is the sweetest, most fun person ever! She is local, a mama with 2 babies, and a gal who has her hand in a bit of everything. She talks fashion, fitness, motherhood, and her faith. She is a Physical Therapist, a Yoga Teacher, a Stella & Dot rep, and a Blogger. She is coming into her own right now, and it’s a beautiful thing to see.

Nutrition and Health Blogs To Follow
- Pantry Doctor – Y’all know I love Wendie since I talk about her, and her program, all the time. She is a nutritionist with the most healthy mindset about food and the diet industry that I’ve ever seen. Her recipes are delicious, her oats are great, and I’ve seen her a couple of times to help with my own nutritional needs during my pregnancies.
- Wholly Healed – Jessica is a certified Eating Psychology Coach, and a whole bunch of other things that have to do with hormones, and how our body works. I LOVE her because she talks a lot about the diet and beauty industries, how they purposefully make us feel like something is wrong with us so that we have to continue buying their products, and how lifestyle, diet, and products affect our body and skin. She’s really encouraging and she’s helped me a lot with loving my skin, even if she doesn’t know me.
- Nutrition Stripped – Mckel is an RD who talks a lot about science and nutrition. She gives great recipes, and talks about the myths associated with cleanses, and other trendy diets. Her IG feed is really beautiful too, so there’s that.

Photography/Lifestyle/Mom Blogs to Follow
- Chanel G Photography – Chanel is in Atlanta and I actually found her through ClickinMoms. Her photography is beautiful, she is unapologetic in who she is, and she’s pretty funny too. Follow her IG in addition to her blog because both are worth it.
- Every Day Eye Candy – LaShawn is another Atlanta based photographer and mom blogger. She includes lots of posts about recipes, her son, and social media. Her coffee stories on IG are the most entertaining part of my day.
- Jane Graybeal – Jane’s blog is evolving too, as we all are. She writes a lot about motherhood, Portland (where she lives), and style/beauty. She travels with the kids a lot, so I love living vicariously through her, since we never travel.
- Olive & Tate – Another local, well, she used to be. She’ most recently moved and so you get to see her redecorate another house, which she’s very good at. She is very honest about motherhood, which I love, and she’s pretty stylish too.

I want to share one final thought. I am a mess. I strive for perfection in my daily life, but in my many, many failures at it, I’ve come to a place where self acceptance is necessary. I am sharing my thoughts and struggles in the hopes that some of you can relate. The hope is that by laughing at myself, and learning how to love myself, that you can let go and do the same. In a world of percectly curated social media feeds, there is a call to tell the truth, even if it’s ugly. I’m keeping some things sacred because it’s important that I do that, but my one mission is that this blog can be a place that helps us remember in this holy instant, we are perfect children of God. We are loved and there is no need to change who we are. Anything other than that is an illusion. Thank you for reading.