As you know from my previous post, I was about to have a baby. And I did! I want you to welcome Alexander Walker Matt!!
Alex weighed 8 lbs, 2 oz, and was 21 and 1/2 inches long. He was born on August 26th at 2:33 pm. We stayed in the hospital for 2 days and came home on a Friday. Since then, I have been busy trying to figure out how to juggle and be responsive to two children at once. It’s very challenging. Ellie has had a hard time adjusting to not having my full attention and Alex has been, you know, just being a newborn. I always have some trouble with the newborn stage, but adding a rambunctious toddle on top of it has been super challenging. I know that I’m going to make it, somehow, so I’ll just keep taking it day by day.
In the meantime, here are some photos I recently took of Alex. I am still just trying to keep my head above water, so I doubt I’ll be posting regularly… yet. Be on the lookout for more posts, and those posts are going to be geared more towards the actual purpose of this blog; FASHION!!
I just wanted to add that I am totally in the midst of some serious fashion exploration. I have baby weight to lose, so I don’t want to go shopping yet I am totally sick of wearing my maternity clothes. I also have to make sure that I can easily access a boob, I know, TMI, but since I’m breastfeeding, it’s just a reality. So with those obstacles in mind, I’m on the hunt for ways to make myself somewhat presentable. Not for others, but mainly to give myself a little boost of confidence. Sometimes, the only thing one may have is that she’s having a good hair day, you know what I mean?
Thanks so much for reading! Let me know if you have any experience, advice, suggestions on two kids, postpartum fashion, keeping the house together in the midst of chaos, etc!